The Alimond Show

Shawn Rouse - From Wanderlust to Travel Industry Expert: Building Thriving Teams, Mastering Audiovisual Production, and Embracing Life-Enriching Experiences

Alimond Studio

Ever wondered how the travel industry can transform lives and provide boundless opportunities? Join us as we sit down with the inspiring Shawn Rouse, an independent travel agent flourishing with Planet Marketing and IntelliTravel. Shawn opens up about his journey into the travel world, sparked by his cousin's wanderlust, leading to a thriving team of over 100 members. As travel restrictions eased, Shawn's business saw an unprecedented boom, and he shares the strategic marketing moves—like harnessing social media and crafting engaging video content—that propelled him forward. We also address the trials of assembling a dedicated team and explore trending travel experiences, from relaxing river cruises to uncovering hidden island paradises.

Switching gears, we delve into the fascinating realm of audiovisual production with a specialist who has worked alongside presidents and music legends like Fantasia and Parliament-Funkadelic. We explore the complexities of managing a team of 122 and organizing seamless virtual meetings. Our guest emphasizes the importance of being coachable and resourceful, using tools like Google and YouTube for continuous learning and growth. We wrap up with a hearty invitation to embrace travel's enriching experiences, underscoring motivating mantras that inspire us to pursue dreams without hesitation. Whether you're planning your next getaway to Punta Cana or aspiring to kickstart a home-based travel business, this episode promises a treasure trove of insights and inspirations.

Speaker 1:

My name is Sean Rouse. The name of my businesses I work for that I have is one is called Planet Marketing. The other one is called IntelliTravel. So we, the Planet Marketing, is the marketing of IntelliTravel, which is a travel agency, so I'm an independent travel agent, so I have an independent business.

Speaker 2:

I love that. Let's get a little bit more in depth of what your two businesses are. I know it's to help people start and maintain travel agencies, so break that down for us and tell us what types of services it all entails.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So on the travel side, we do anything from booking trips, booking cruises, concerts, like I said, river cruises, traditional cruises, fit trips, fit trips um family reunions, family trips, um we do island trips um concerts. What else did I say? Oh, yeah, concerts, those are my football games. Yeah, basketball games, baseball games, like we sell tickets to the super bowl, uh, the ncaa tournament, um the college championship. And what planet marketing does is give people the opportunity to own their home-based travel business and become an independent travel business owner.

Speaker 2:

I love it. And now tell me a little bit of a backstory about yourself, about how you got started in your industry and what led you to being where you are today.

Speaker 1:

Okay, actually it was my cousin who got me, who used to travel. I used to see him all the time on Facebook and I always wanted to travel more. So I was like what is this guy doing? And he's doing all this travel. So that's what actually got me started into the business and since I've been in the business, I've been on like over 30 trips, been to different concerts. I got a team of over 100 people. So just helping people make some extra income, that's the biggest thing. Yeah, over 100 people. So just helping people make some extra income, that's the biggest thing. Yeah. So they said that if, when they had the housing crisis, if people could have had at least an extra $500, they could have saved their mortgage.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wow, okay. I'd like to ask you, just since we got through this pandemic COVID, what was that like for you guys? Were you guys booming? Were you guys like kind of stalled a little?

Speaker 1:

bit we stalled but like, coming out and like 2021, it started to take off a little bit more than 22, 22 got bigger than 2023. It just exploded. People were trying to be at home so they're like get me out of here, yeah, so we booked a lot of trips. Even I booked a lot of trips in 2020 okay, they were like tired, I need to get away from my spouse.

Speaker 1:

We will cut that Get away from these kids for a little bit. So yeah, well, yeah, so I'm like, yeah, that's what happened. So the boom took off and we've been booming ever since then.

Speaker 2:

I love that, and what are some strategies that you use as far as marketing goes for your business? Are you a big video guy? Are you?

Speaker 1:

getting content out there. I've scaled back a little bit just because of January, but once February kicks back up, I do social media, word of mouth. I've been doing a lot of reels, even on Instagram and Facebook, a little bit on TikTok getting better with TikTok but it's mostly Instagram and Facebook and what I've found to be more successful you get a lot more eyes when you do reels. So I've been doing a lot of reels and people have been contacting me through there.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome. That is great. And what have been some challenges in your industry or maybe it was a previous challenge that you overcame? Would you mind sharing those moments?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Challenging was finding people at first and people that are being committed. That's the biggest challenge. They say they want it. Then they realize it's not a lot of work but you got to be consistent with the work. So they'll tend to drop off, but some of them have come back and they'll be like wait a minute, this can actually help my family. So I like to always lead with the income first and the travel second.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wonderful. And what are some current trends going on as far as travel, any traveling trends? Where are you seeing a lot of people wanting to head to, or what's a hot spot?

Speaker 1:

People have. As a matter of fact, I'm working on a trip to book for my mother. She wants to go to Europe. People have been doing they've been getting back to cruising, of course, but people have been doing a lot of river cruises and started to pick up as well, and they've been going to different islands, like Martinique. I went to Curacao last year, so exploring different islands besides the hotspots. I always tell people I want to go to Cancun. Okay, it's a little more touristy, but if you want to be a little more low-key, I tell them to go, like Tulum and places like that. People have been traveling to London. People are just ready to go. I look up and down my timeline. People are just traveling everywhere. So I tell them hey, I look up and down my timeline, people just traveling everywhere.

Speaker 1:

So I tell them hey, I don't want to say wasting your money, but spend your money in a different way, because even the online travel agencies and stuff, they still get a commission out of the trip, so why not bring that commission to you?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and speaking on that, what are some benefits of being able to work with you and becoming a travel agent? Tell me some of those, the trips and all kinds of benefits that you can get from that. Maybe somebody's out there listening and they've considered looking into this. Tell us, sell us on that. You get to work with me, of course. That's all you need to know. That's all you need to know. Cut, no, just kidding.

Speaker 1:

No, you get I don't like to say you get to kind of pull the curtain back behind the scenes. So we have things called familiar relation trips, so like we had one trip that you can go to Jamaica for $99. And you can post it Like this is where I'm learning today. So you get to learn on the beaches of the world. You get to invite people, like I said, learn about the travel industry, learn about marketing strategies and we also learn about how to market better on Facebook or Instagram. A lot of it deals with personal development. So we read a lot. We read personal development books. I can't think Like Eric Thomas, the guy with the white hair, I can't think of his name, but he's been doing network marketing for years.

Speaker 2:

Tony Robbins.

Speaker 1:

Tony Robbins is running network marketing. We do Think and Grow Rich books like that, so we deal with more of the mindset. You can get your mind right and you can make money in the industry. Wow. It's always good to me to have a side hustle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely Side business.

Speaker 1:

It's great for taxes too. Noted, Y'all hear that people.

Speaker 2:

And there was a question that I wanted to ask you. People are like missing the mark on something when it comes to booking or planning a travel where you're just like see, this is why you need to come to us. We can help you out here.

Speaker 1:

You don't when you're booking your own. You don't have that personal touch If something goes wrong. You got to go call so many numbers Customer service.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, there you go and your call may be routed somewhere across the world or something like that. So at least with that, no, they say I don't need a travel agent. But travel agents have been making a comeback. You get that personal touch, somebody you can really untouch to. Okay, this is happening. Okay, how can you help me if something goes wrong with our trip? I'm a big proponent. I tell people make sure you get travel insurance. Travel insurance, because a lot of people I don't know, a few months ago or maybe a year ago, he went on a trip and actually died on a trip and the thing they had to do to get them to come, yeah, that's a lot, that's happening.

Speaker 1:

You read a lot of those stories, oh man. I don't know if you saw that cruise that flooded a few months ago.

Speaker 2:

No, I did not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah a lot of them didn't have travel insurance. Oh man, it's hard. You'll be way over there. It's going to be a whole lot more if you don't have travel insurance, and travel insurance is no more than adding about $250 to your trip. So just to note, not just for me- but, whenever you're traveling, get travel insurance, especially overseas. Especially overseas, because you never know.

Speaker 2:

Now you're scaring me. See my family. They were like we're going to go on a cruise trip and I was like I already was not feeling that and now you told me this.

Speaker 1:

Now you told me this story. It's time to get the travel insurance in.

Speaker 2:

Will I still be alive with travel insurance?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. You will be. You're going to have a great time here. You're going to have an awesome time. I love cruising because everything is all in one. Yeah, and especially I'll do a plug here have they already booked the cruise?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think they have. Okay, everybody say go virgin because it's adult only.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, they said it was going to be adult only.

Speaker 1:

So it's probably already there.

Speaker 2:

They were like no kids, I was like yeah, there you go yeah. Yeah, beautiful. That's a little secret here. So if you listen to this podcast, it's the insider, exactly, exactly. And do you have any memorable or um standout stories where you've been able to help people and you're just like man, I was able to help them and I was able to get their vacation going? All that good stuff?

Speaker 1:

I got a lady out of South Carolina yeah, and her and her son. They came to me, they reached out to me to Facebook and the trips they go on is just a joy because she's had some health challenges but she's always booking cruises, always on a cruise, and her son is now an actor, so he's been in. If you look at the new season of Hustle not Hustle and Flow the rap show on Netflix, you'll see him in a few cameos. He was in the movie with Drewski, the choir singing movie. So that's where I get joy, when I see other people succeed like that.

Speaker 2:

I'm out of the loop with Netflix right now because, since they put their price up, I'm just like I can't do it.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know, but actually I've been watching a lot more Tubi too.

Speaker 2:

Tubi. I think I have Roku and I think it comes with Tubi. Yep, see, yeah, there we go. Okay, we know, yeah, we know. And then where do you and with your business?

Speaker 1:

Let's see. I'm looking to be probably traveling the world, working remotely, and some more people, like I said to my team, that want to create financial freedom, time freedom, personal freedom, financial freedom, my daughter being graduated college by then, so I hope to get her situated as well. So that's why I want to see myself in five years I want to be retired. I want to flip it. I want to see myself in five years. I want to be retired. I want to flip it. I want to do this for a time okay, wow, I'm excited for you.

Speaker 2:

That'll be fun. It seems like you really like it, so yeah, it's, it's not work when you enjoy it right it is yeah and then living from what you love to do yes, and then traveling like hello, like who doesn't want to go see and try new?

Speaker 1:

food exactly a foodie.

Speaker 2:

What kind of food do you like?

Speaker 1:

I don't like a lot of sauces and stuff, but I'm more seafood, so the seafood is where I go. It's where I go, yeah, you know what's funny?

Speaker 2:

I don't like seafood Right, I can't do it Like. The most I'll do is maybe shrimp kebabs. I'm just a texture person. I like mussels and clams. I don't eat clams.

Speaker 1:

Oyster. I'm more of a shrimp fish crabs actually.

Speaker 2:

I love crabs. I can do crab like a crab cake. I could do that.

Speaker 1:

No crab, the whole crab.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the whole crab.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then a soft shell crab the soft shell, okay when you eat the whole thing Like a burger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a burger. Yeah, I've never tried soft show. Yeah, we'll talk about it later. Yeah, and then, when you're not working, what is it besides traveling, because clearly you love travel what do you like to do?

Speaker 1:

uh read, uh ride my bike.

Speaker 2:

I also used to be a huge bowler a bowler, were you one of those people who, like, won trophies?

Speaker 1:

almost. I won a few trophies.

Speaker 2:

I got a few pins, okay, yeah, and I used to have outfits and everything okay, I believe it because today you came with the fit, so I believe it back then too socks and I have four bowling balls.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I was addicted hard.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you weren't addicted to bowling. That's a great thing to be addicted to. I love it, I love it. And then, um, being your own boss and your own, I guess, business owner. What would you say is challenging when it comes to being that, and what are the perks? Obviously like being your own boss. You get to call the shots for yourself, but on those days where it's like dang, this is awesome, but I wish this was a little different. What are those things?

Speaker 1:

Staying committed to it, because some days you'll give and feel like, ah, I don't want to do this. And putting the same energy you put into it that you would put into a regular nine to five.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah. So that's, that's the biggest thing right there, keeping that same energy. We like to say work your nine to five, but then when you come home, do your five to nine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ok, and what were you doing before this?

Speaker 1:

I'm still doing that. I'm audio audiovisual specialist.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, so I work radio, TV, film Dang you weren't going to tell me that before when I asked. This is amazing.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, oops, we were talking about the business part.

Speaker 2:

You're right, but this is getting to know you, so this is amazing.

Speaker 1:

Okay, yeah, I'm an audiovisual technician and I've been to the White House. I've worked with different presidents, different singers and things like that. I've met Fantasia. I've met Parliament, funkadelic, things like that Just setting up audio-visual camera work, things like that. I've worked many, many places because that's what I went to school for. That is awesome, this is my color it's Bowie State University.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Small plug yeah.

Speaker 2:

I love it. Two plugs now.

Speaker 1:

Waiting for that third one. The third one is coming.

Speaker 2:

I love it. And then have you maybe been able to talk to people and be like, hey, I do travel agency, like to some big names. Have you been able to plan something?

Speaker 1:

That's pretty cool. I'm working on with a few comedians right now.

Speaker 2:

Okay, that is so cool, that is really cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because they're going to travel anyway. I'm like, hey, come on, come here Come, here Fly virgin. No kids. There you go, see, that's it.

Speaker 2:

See, now I know. See, I'm recruiting you, thank you. How many people do you currently have on your team?

Speaker 1:

That's how much I have about 122.

Speaker 2:

Oh my goodness, how are you managing? Is it all like remote? Do you guys like get on a Zoom call? Or how does it work Phone call?

Speaker 1:

We have a few local areas, but we do like a Zoom meeting every week and we also do the presentation by Zoom. We have back-to-door meetings in person as well. Okay, I'll meet up with some at coffee shop. I'll hop. Like I said, I like to eat, so whenever there's food involved like that'll kind of get them to take a look. That's all I want you to do take a look, and if you don't, I like to say don't do this, do something.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, yeah. And what does it take to work with you? Like, what kind of people are you looking for? What are the prerequisites?

Speaker 1:

Not a lot of people. Somebody that's coachable, somebody that's willing to learn, somebody that has an open mind and somebody that wants to create a different lifestyle than what they're already doing.

Speaker 2:

So those are the people.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for. The biggest thing is coachable.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Sometimes it's hard when it's just like, no, I can't the mindset right the mindset.

Speaker 1:

It is the mindset. Yeah, it's kind of hard to be like okay well, it looks like you got to break that nine to five. You went to school with mindset to learn this and they don't teach financial literacy. No, no, unless you're like a business student. That's your main good.

Speaker 2:

What other universities like online do you like to use?

Speaker 1:

Different travel websites, different marketing websites. You know, like I say, you type it into YouTube. How do I do? And Google is your friend.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it sure is.

Speaker 1:

How do you do, how do you market? How do you do this? How do you do that? Yeah, love it. Google has become a great friend.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I agree, and is there anything that I have not touched on that you would like to share, whether it's about your personal life, your business, maybe travel, the travel industry, potential people who want to work with you, you have the form. Maybe you're writing a book, maybe you have a new product coming out. Okay, you can take this time to talk about that All right.

Speaker 1:

Just take a chance on you. That's the biggest thing. Take a chance on you. Whatever you want to do in life, believe in yourself. Take a chance on you. So I got a few trips coming up. Matter of fact, I'm going to Punta Cana in a few months, so come on, get on board the travel train, and so I offer the opportunity to any and not any and everybody. You got to at least be 18. Yeah, like I said, looking for people that's cultured, motivated, looking for people that like to have fun, because travel is a fun industry.

Speaker 1:

You know people that travel. They're never sad. You never go on a trip.

Speaker 2:

And come back and like I'm depressed more than I was before, Right.

Speaker 1:

You're depressed, when you used to tell me oh exactly yes, exactly yes.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my goodness, you're funny. And with that being said, do you have a quote, a saying or a mantra that has inspired you in your life? Or maybe somebody told you something and it resonated with you? My quote is dance like no one is watching. Nobody wants to see me do that. Oh my goodness, but no, yeah, I mean I get what you mean?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I get what you mean Not.

Speaker 2:

No, I get what you mean, not literally y'all.

Speaker 1:

Like I took it. You know what he means.

Speaker 2:

But no, yeah, any other parting words that you would like to say?

Speaker 1:

Travel is the only experience that makes you richer. Something to quote like that Once in a while, go. Once a year, go someplace you've never seen before.

Speaker 2:

So those are some of the quotes I use. Yeah, beautiful. Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and talking to us and giving us a brief history about yourself and learning about all the perks about being a travel agent and the benefits that comes with it all.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we really appreciate it. See you at the beaches or the bank. That's another one of our mottos there we go.

Speaker 2:

It's a great way to end it.