The Alimond Show

Dr. Chichi Nwajei - From Nigeria to Optometry Visionary: Empowering Entrepreneurs, Unlocking Success with Strategic Networking, and Preparing for 2025 Opportunities

Alimond Studio

Discover how to transform your dreams into reality with insights from Dr. Chichi Nwajei, a remarkable optometrist, entrepreneur, and author, who shares her inspirational journey from Nigeria to Washington, DC. Unravel the secrets behind her success in creating platforms for small business owners and the wisdom contained in her book "Dream Big." She emphasizes the crucial role of a positive mindset, clear goals, and the courage to overcome fears and procrastination. Learn how vision boards and journaling can help turn setbacks into stepping stones for preparing to seize opportunities in 2025.

Elevate your branding and networking game with strategic advice on maintaining a compelling online presence that tells your brand's story. Blend the benefits of virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face events to forge stronger connections and expand your network. Dr. Chichi Nwajei shares her experiences with book clubs and speaking engagements, highlighting the power of word-of-mouth referrals. Explore how themed and vendor-related events can offer much-needed exposure and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs at any stage of their journey.

Dive into the art of building supportive business communities and harnessing the power of cross-promotion. Discover how creating online groups can foster idea-sharing and growth among vendors and hosts. The Power Partners Business Network is introduced as a valuable resource for visibility and strategic consultations. As Dr. Chichi Nwajei looks forward to 2025, her aspirations include hosting book signings and speaking engagements, all while maintaining a focus on personal growth and community collaboration. Join us and be inspired by her unwavering belief in the potential that lies ahead.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for having me here. My name is Dr Chichinwaje. I am an optometrist by profession, but I'm also an entrepreneur, and what I do is provide opportunities for people to showcase their business through my themed events, but I'm also an author, so it's just such an honor for me to just pour belief into people whenever I meet them at my events or just when they have questions.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I would like to get to know you a little bit more and, especially our listeners, give us a little bit of a backstory about yourself as an optometrist, as an author, and how all of these things came together for you in your career.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 1:

I'm originally from Nigeria, so I went to optometry school there and I have the honor of working in DC.

Speaker 1:

But I also have carried on with believing in my own dreams, and that includes, and not limited to, empowering people through my business model, which was crafted maybe in 2016 was when I hosted my first event, so it seems like years ago, but it has allowed me to work with small business owners, invite vendors, sponsors, just attendees my themes have been different, so it has allowed me also to see that many people would really like to continue believing in their dreams, but keep giving up because of challenges or, you know, negative experiences. So when I wrote my first book May of 2023, I knew that I was touching on something big, which is to allow people to keep on dreaming big, and so, of course, that became my journey into being an author, and so, of course, that became my journey into being an author. But I love books and I believe that my book is going to create a big impact on so many as they continue to believe in their own dreams as well.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely love that. And now let's talk about your book, Dream Big. You brought it right here. First of all, where can people find this book?

Speaker 1:

It's on Amazon and it can be, you know, the e-bookbook, or they can get a softback or a head cover. I'm still working on my audio book for right now.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, that's so cool. Now talk to me a little bit about the book and how it can help people. Tell me maybe some of the strategies or a quick summary about it.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I have the tools that will help people dream big. But I believe that this first quarter of 2025 should be the time that everyone has to have the positive mindset to get them to where they're going. If you can only believe that you can and you can walk towards your goals and have a plan, you know, whenever you have a goal, you also have to have a plan. So, if it's in form of having a vision board or just creating a journal to write down your goals, the next question to yourself is how can I achieve it?

Speaker 1:

Now, everything negative, everything that hasn't worked, put that behind you. Don't call them failures. Start to call them lessons. And I think, if I can start from that point of the belief system, if I can pour that into everyone who is out there self-doubting, I know that the world will be a better place if we all can achieve our dreams. So dream big is really here for everybody, of all ages. There are sometimes people who start with a long-term goal and there are people who have a short-term goal. So don't beat yourself up, even if your dream has not come to completion. Just continue staying consistent and you will see it come to pass. So that's my message for everyone this 2025, even as we start the year.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly. We got a fresh start right now and you're here to help them achieve those goals and make them a reality. So I love that so much. I would like to ask you there and make them a reality. So I love that so much. I would like to ask you. There are some clear steps for success and some of those things are for your clear goals, and purpose is having a positive mindset, clarity and belief in your vision. I know you touched on all of those things here, but talk to me a little bit about that. It's the four powerful goals of Dream Big. Talk to me a little bit about that. It's the four powerful goals of Dream Big.

Speaker 1:

Talk to me a little bit more about it. Sure, you know, sometimes also, people have to know their power. They have to have the courage to believe in themselves. So I want to first of all say that courage is what gives you the ability to even think you can achieve it. So don't be afraid.

Speaker 1:

Fear has held so many people back. Some have procrastinated. So, in terms of pushing things back, what is the real reason behind that? Do you not have the resources? Or you're just thinking that you have time? So I think we have to all have a sense of urgency in providing the services or coming forward with that dream that we have in us, so that we can impact the world, and even just our circles of influence can be impacted by what we're doing. So do not procrastinate. There is nothing that grows in comfort zone, so you want to kind of push out from that place and start acting in that calling that you all have and a purpose that we each can bring to life, because I believe that all of us are born into this world to fulfill a purpose. So whatever that is, whatever drives us, all of us can make a difference. So I think with those tools in place. Nothing can be impossible if your mind can see it and believe it. So that's what I would say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, wise words. And Dr Chi Chi, I know you are a doctor, optometrist, and you're an author and you help businesses, but I would like to ask you I know it can seem from the other side like, oh, she probably doesn't go through any struggles, or she seems like she's got it all together. She's a doctor, she's an author, everything's going great. But can you maybe tell us some challenges that maybe you've had with setting your own goals or maybe having inspiration to get started, because I know everybody struggles through it and it would be quite insightful to get to know a little bit about your journey with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would definitely advise everybody not to get carried away by everything else everyone is doing.

Speaker 1:

So staying on my lane has allowed me to stay focused, but also finding balance God first, family second and career third has helped me stay grounded, and I also give back to the community in more ways than one. So through my gifts, through what I have as resources, but also through the friendships that I have developed. So I would say that being isolated is not the place to be. Mingling with people finding like minds, people who can mentor you are also there in your life to be purposeful. So having um people who are destiny helpers, helping you along the way also means that you can turn around and help others get into their own circles or their own places where they can have a season of overflow. So I would say to everyone there is no perfect person or no perfect situation, but if we can see the best versions of ourselves, there is nothing that will steal your joy and there is nothing that will take away from what you have been called to do. So I believe that sense of community.

Speaker 1:

I also encourage a lot of people to volunteer in ways that they can, whether it's through volunteering in their churches, a non-profit, just something. It gives you that sense of fulfillment that nothing else can do. Because if you think money and wealth can get you there, no, those things do not satisfy. So your ideas can move the world, but wealth can just solve immediate problems. It's bigger than that. So if your whole personality is centered on defining what success means to you, it really helps. But do not do things and say you know, if I don't do this, then it means I have failed in life. No, you just keep learning, keep improving and just stay coachable. Yeah, stay coachable. So my two words this year are growth and collaboration. So if everyone can sort of pick something that they can work on and focus on, it's very powerful. Another thing I will encourage people that also has helped me is to have smart goals. Another thing I will encourage people that also has helped me is to have SMART goals. So, in laying out what you want to do, are they specific, are they measurable, are they attainable, are they realistic, are they timed? See, if you just sit down and you just wish for things to happen, but you don't have a plan in place, then you're planning to fail. You have to avoid that failure by putting a plan in place. So I believe, because I put all these things into what I do, I have fun, I wake up every day and I look forward to what the new day will bring for me. I'm not going to be able to change things that have gone on in the past, but I can make a change, moving forward.

Speaker 1:

So that futuristic mindset has allowed me not just to keep moving but to attract people who are also looking for something positive in their life. So we have to be intentional. Our words matter, our thoughts matter and our reactions to things matter. So it's not always what people do to you or don't do to you. How do you react to them. That's key. So if we can make sure that the world is a better place by making our own effort within our own circles, you will look at life and you'll look at it, as maybe you look at your cup and say my cup is half full, instead of always looking at it as half empty, which can be a mindset that holds people back. Oh, yes, and so that's what I would kind of say, and I love to tell stories when I talk, because I feel people can connect to stories. I'm going to share one with you A big elephant.

Speaker 2:

Wait before. I just want to fix your mic because I can hear the hair a little bit before we go to the story Sure. So just pick up, I would like to share a story and then just say what that story is. Okay, I just want to make sure that it doesn't distract them. Okay, I'm going to pull this down just a little bit Sure sure. Okay, thank you. All right, I would just start and say I would like to share a story and then just go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would like to share a story. There was a big elephant who had one leg tied to a very tiny chair. The chair is very little, so he could have easily just moved his leg and crushed it, but his eyes were just on the chain and he didn't move, feeling like he was stuck to a place. So we have to start remembering that we have a lot we can offer others and continue to make the moves that will build us better relationships, better skills. We may need to network a little bit more. Learn about your trade, figure out what brings you joy. Don't just do things because others do them. You are meant to be different. You're meant to be the pacesetter that can move the world with your ideas. So really dreaming, and dreaming big, is the way to go, but also having plans in place to achieve them is where you have that personal responsibility. But I think all of us can win. There's enough room at the top for everyone to win.

Speaker 2:

So I just keep going. Yeah, that's a beautiful mindset, because the one that you said with the elephant, like it's, does it realize its own size and strength, but it's just focused on that one negative thing and it's limiting him. So it's how you react and how you take that information and just having confidence and being able to get through that. So that was a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing that. I'd like to ask you about marketing what are you doing to market yourself, your book, your business, to get the word out there about the things that you're doing and how you're able to help people? Do you use online? Do you go to events? Are you talking to people one-on-one or in group settings? What's working for you?

Speaker 1:

Great question. I believe that branding is very, very important. So I already created my own brand and my logo and everything that goes with the brand. But you see, social media is a tool that creates awareness but also leaves a social proof so people can go back and check and see what you have been doing. So it's not just having a presence online, but also having the right content that will keep telling the story about what we do. So I'm intentional about that. So I push things that I'm doing, but I also go back and post event pictures and videos just to tell people that we actually did have this.

Speaker 1:

So in 2020, when COVID hit, I pivoted into having virtual events as well as hybrid events, but I continue to maintain the face-to-face events because that's a different level of relationship that is formed and people make that eye contact and they can really remember and recall a lot better. The reaction is also quicker. But we cannot go back and say you know, we are going to deny the fact that the technology also gives us a wider reach, so you can be in one city and meet people in other countries, you know, and be able to pass information around. So we cannot stay isolated from the fact that we may need to not just learn skills ourselves but hire people if we don't know those skills, just to make sure we're not left lagging behind in our businesses. But I also tell people to make sure that they network intentionally. So if you come out to an event, whatever the case may be have your business cards with you, be in the mindset of meeting new people. So if you're meeting them in person, online, whatever the case may be you're prepared. So some people just don't treat these opportunities as important, but I do, because I know that the word of mouth referral has served me best compared to all other forms of marketing.

Speaker 1:

But since I got the book in, I also had to assess. Yes, I do vend and I host vending events. But I noticed that speaking opportunities, book club scenarios, book signing opportunities seem to be a little more targeted and focused on my book. So I intend to carry more of those into 2025 and use last year as my benchmark for what worked and what didn't work. But I remember when I had done my book launch, my big book launch I immediately had groups that did book clubs on my behalf and it seemed like people actually take time to read the book when they're engaged in a book club setting. So, as an author, everyone has to make an assessment to see what is working for them. Some people have a huge network. Once they launch a book, they can sell it huge copies because of the network they already belong in.

Speaker 1:

But if you don't have that kind of support system, figure out other ways that will make sure you don't think that your book or whatever material you're selling, is not good enough. You just have to make sure that your conversion is happening in whatever platform that you're using, and I would say for me, I go in the middle, so I don't ignore face-to-face meetings. I would say blend both. Also, continue to share good content online. Someone may be looking. People may go on a website and purchase and don't even know who you are. So don't limit your style, and I would say that to not just the business owners, but even people who are coming up with a business idea. They may be new, they are still beginning in their planning. Don't leave out marketing. You have to figure out a way to create a marketing plan that will match your product or your services. So that's what I would put out there, just to encourage people who are in business.

Speaker 2:

That is perfect, because a lot of people who listen to this are entrepreneurs and people who are trying to figure things out or maybe they already have things figured out, but they're trying to learn and grow that mindset. So thank you for sharing that. I would like to ask you about the themed and vendor-related events that you have. Can you share a little bit more about that?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I've hosted very many themes. My first themed event was on cancer awareness breast cancer awareness October of 2016. But I went on to host other themes like junior entrepreneurship events, africa here I Come domestic violence. Then I've also hosted events around authors, bookland, and then sometimes I would just do a small business round table. I'm giving people opportunities to vend and also network. But I've also partnered with restaurants, people who have contracts in malls to drive vendors to them, because vendors just want to have a place that they can set up their goods and sell. So I saw that I was actually providing a very much needed service. A trust was already being built. Yeah, so I also have groups online so that way, other hosts can also share what they do. But I also get to share what I do. So just being able to meet my own needs has allowed me to bless others, because all I really wanted to do was somewhere that I could put my vendors together in a group. So I have that on Facebook and also on WhatsApp.

Speaker 1:

So it has been awesome to have communities that are online that can also grow as I'm growing what I do.

Speaker 2:

Awesome, and is this through the Peacock House where they can do that? Do they just reach out to you if there's some businesses or maybe people who would like to be part of this?

Speaker 1:

Yes, good question. Anyone who wants to can follow me at Peacock House on Facebook and Instagram. Dr Chichi Show on Facebook and YouTube. I do have my own shows as well. But also, if they want to belong to my group for business owners that I call the Power Partners Business Network, they can just go to the picocalscom and click on membership and that will allow me to really work one-on-one with them to see where they're trying to go.

Speaker 1:

I am offering them visibility but also business consults, because I need to understand exactly what's seizing the air with their businesses and every quarter can be different, so I want to be in touch with them and really encourage them to keep going. So it's come very easy for me just to be able to give business consults to different business owners. So I don't take that for granted, because people write down, people actually take notes and come back to me later, so I know that they are getting something that they may not have tried before, or we can assess what they've tried and give them suggestions based on what I have seen, just being able to host my own events.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's the perfect hub for business owners, so make sure you hit up Dr Chi Chi and if you want to be part of this, she would be very happy to talk to you. And now, is there anything that I have not touched on that maybe you want our listeners to know whether it's about you, your business, anything at all your industry.

Speaker 1:

I believe that you really did a great job with just asking me these amazing questions.

Speaker 1:

I'm so honored that you considered my brand good enough to be presented to your own audience. But I want to say one thing that if we can all cross-promote each other, be each other's supporters, it will take us farther. I always say that together we can do more. I'm also going to promote you, just to give a word out there to my own audience to tell them that you're here and you're doing something amazing. So if we all have that mindset moving forward, that we are not in competition with each other, but we are here to support one another and we can really watch each other grow, that would be my final word.

Speaker 1:

I want everyone to feel, you know, like more encouraged in their journeys. Don't ever give up. Don't feel like you're in a place where you're not being productive. If that's the case, check yourself. Maybe you need to change what you're doing. Maybe you need to read more books.

Speaker 1:

There are a lot of people who have written books that have empowered people because they've been there before. You can learn from their journey. So be in a place where you can clean out all the things that are not moving right and try some new ways, and you'll be amazed that your renewed outlook can be the story that someone else can tap onto and hold on to, because our own wagon is moving. Someone else's wagon is going to be moving as well. So I believe that we all need to be in a healthy mental space to be able to function. So just do something that gives you joy and do fun things as well. Don't be so serious about life. Yeah, just you know. Take a trip, go on a bus trip, hang out with friends that you like, do something fun, take a walk, and you will see yourself just taking things easy and life will have a different perspective.

Speaker 2:

I love that. All right, my final question, I promise I wanted to ask you do you have any goals that you set for yourself for 2025? And would you mind just sharing that to end the podcast here.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, my goal for 2025 is to find more speaking engagements and also use my book as a tool while I'm out speaking to really lift others up. So I started making calls and I started texting people and making that request of them, like, could you connect me to your network? Could you direct me to people who allow me to speak? So being more intentional and specific has allowed me to see that I'm actually making good progress. So in this first quarter, I want to see myself able to speak in maybe six or ten locations. So I already have a book signing event at the Square. This is in Waldorf, maryland. It's St Charles Mall.

Speaker 2:

What day.

Speaker 1:

It's on February, the 8th. I'm glad we talked about this From 1 to 5 pm, so for those who are looking for a place, they can also vent. They have different vendors set up there. It's a wonderful networking opportunity, but for me, that's a door that has opened so that more people can know about the location but also get a signed copy of my book, and those are the kind of things that I want to see on my calendar moving into 2025. So I'm thankful for that opportunity.

Speaker 2:

Beautiful. Well, thank you so much for coming on the podcast and being able to tell your story, tell us about your book and your business, and we really appreciated you coming on to the podcast.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for having me.

Speaker 2:

You're so welcome.