The Alimond Show

Nakornsri Sintaisong Owner of District Exotic Jetcars

Alimond Studio

Dive headfirst with us into the riveting world of Nakornsri Sintaisong, the visionary behind District Exotic Jetcars, as she shares her tale of fusing luxury supercars with the thrill of water sports. Our latest episode isn't just a celebration of high-speed fun; it's also a heartfelt journey through Nakornsri's personal struggles and triumphs. From the intricate dance of reuniting with an estranged father to acknowledging her mother's untold sacrifices, Nakornsri's story is a testament to the indomitable spirit that propels us toward success against all odds.

Captivating and candid, Nakornsri opens up about the resilience she mustered to carve a path through adversity toward entrepreneurship. She takes us through the bustling streets of Old Town, Virginia, where she launched a juice bar, and into the corridors of power in Washington D.C., where she broke into federal government contracting. Her narrative is peppered with insights on how the magic of motivational speaking and empowering women's events fueled her drive, ultimately leading her to blend her business acumen with a passion for health and wellness.

As the episode races to a close, we're swept up in Nakornsri's exhilaration for speed, both on the road and on the waves. She reveals how her dream supercar was more than a purchase; it was a gateway to a new realm of possibilities, inspiring her to create a luxury watercraft business that's making waves. With the naming of her watercraft after Greek goddesses, we're reminded of the empowering connection to divine feminine power and the importance of community, marketing savvy, and true engagement to launch a successful venture. Join us for this inspiring ride as Nakornsri illustrates that our lives truly align with our most authentic selves.

Speaker 1:

My name is Nikorn Cerise Sentaisong. The business is called District Exotic Jet Cars and we offer six watercraft that are for the summer to experience a water sport.

Speaker 2:

Okay, can you tell us a little bit more about water sports, for those of us who are not familiar with that, and how your business comes into play with that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if you were to think about like a supercar right, you know, the Ferraris, the Lamborghinis, bugattis, stuff like that it's basically experiencing a supercar on the water, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So is it like I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so is it like? I'm sorry, is it like just that literal car in the water? Oh no, it's something that's kind of like it. So we have models that kind of look like the Brigadis, that look like the Mercedes, but they are really fast, you know, as I would say, as fast as a car, definitely Okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sounds like something really exciting. I feel like guys and girls will definitely be enjoying that in the water, especially with the nice weather that hopefully we'll be getting coming here soon.

Speaker 1:

And not only that, we offer a drone service as well. So you know you can capture your beautiful experiences for your birthday. You know your family outings, dates and things like that, gotcha.

Speaker 2:

And then can you tell me your story, like as far back as when you were a kid up until now, and how it got you to this point?

Speaker 1:

Okay. So so many things, goodness gracious, how long do we have? So as far as my story, I mean, I did a lot of work on myself, you know, just changing the narrative, healing and just kind of reconnecting with the you know my experiences versus like what actually happened, you know. But I was born in Thailand and I grew born in Thailand and I grew up in California and then we went to Las Vegas, nevada, and then after that, I would say, you know, my father and my mother broke up. They had a divorce at a very young age. My father went back to Thailand and so I was raised by a single mom and you know, she did the best that she can, you know, as everybody else, as a single parent. But I remember that I was definitely a person who was kind of seeking my father's you know love and relationship with him and at that time I didn't realize that it affected me so deeply that he left. But you know, at that time I turned to religion and I found, you know, solace and peace through just going to church and things like that, finding a community at a really young age. So for a long time, I mean since I was a kid, I've always been a truth seeker, you know, someone who really wanted to know the reason why. You know, things happen to kind of get to the root cause of things. So then after that, I mean I remember being a, you know, a cheerleader and really getting into the spirit of the school I was in and I was definitely a popular person, you know, back then, and also I feel like there was always something inside of me that was guiding me to do better, you know, and to be better. And so something told me at an early age that, you know, in order for me to stay focused with my high school and you know, my schooling was to join, you know, something to do with the organization of the school, you know and so I mean I totally got involved with it through cheerleading, through sports, things like that.

Speaker 1:

Then, after that, I would say, I would say, when I graduated high school, I got into a relationship with someone who was, you know, kind of older and we had a child together. I had a child at an early age, 19 years old, and I was just a kid trying to raise a kid. And then I was in retail at that time and I was really much into good sales. I was really good at sales. They always had a contest about, you know, if you want to have this bonus, like sell this much clothes, or something like that. So I think I was always competitive as well. So I think I was always competitive as well.

Speaker 1:

And then after that I got into homeowners association and you know I was I remember I was managing 600 units and I was just like, yeah, maybe this is not like my passion, because you know, when you have a child at a young age, you think you have to kind of I mean, you do have to grow up right away, you know, and your passion becomes secondary. But I thought that I had to kind of be like a serious adult so quickly, you know. But then I picked up the book the Secret and you know, I realized, you know your thoughts becomes things and you know there's, you know the positive mindset and you know the power of thinking and all of those things right. So I got into that at a really young, like young age as well. I was probably around 21 and um. And then I was just like you know what I want to implement, what I've been reading, you know, I want to dream more, I want to be more and I realized that Las Vegas was holding me back. I just feel like the for me. I mean, from my experience, I know it's totally different now. People do love hospitality, they love what they do, you know. They're passionate about, you know, whatever Vegas has to offer right now.

Speaker 1:

But when I was growing up, I felt like, you know, it was only hospitality. You know, they only made money through people that were coming in, and you know tourists, you know, spending money and things like that, and at that time I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do, but I just knew that I wanted to connect the dots. I wanted to, you know, realize who I am as a person. What makes me happy, you know I wanted to. You know, realize who I am as a person. What makes me happy, you know I wanted to, you know, meet my father. You know I wanted to just kind of get back to myself again and I spent a lot of time doing that. I even went to my old high school, you know, and just kind of sat there in the bleachers and I'm just like, oh my gosh, like I was that person, you know, and just kind of sat there in the bleachers and I'm just like, oh my gosh, like I was that person, you know, and I remember, like all of these stories just came up and it just kind of reminded me of how vibrant I was, you know, and how, you know, exciting the times was and my personality at that time was, you know, and so I mean, I just kept connecting the dots, picking up the pieces, connecting the dots, picking up the pieces, connecting the dots, to the point that I went back to Thailand and I saw my father, you know, and I was around 23. I remember when I Went to the airport and my father remembered me when I was 11, you know, he just walked past me and basically he didn't remember me at all.

Speaker 1:

I was a young adult with a child. Now, you know, and at that time, you know, as much as I wanted to connect with my father the time has passed, I'm no longer the young kid anymore, you know, and he wanted to. He brought me to the zoo to chase me around when I was 23. And I was just like, you know, at that time, time, I think, my heart didn't heal, it was my mind that healed. I was just like. It's not his fault, you know, he, he left the country. It didn't work out, you know. But you know, at that time I was still kind of like hardened and I was just like, you know well, let's talk about adult things now. You missed it kind of thing. You know well, let's talk about adult things now. You missed it kind of thing. You know, you miss our time together and growing up and having that connection.

Speaker 1:

But I was just so open to what was going to be revealed to me in my time in Thailand. And so what I found out was that my mother, she grew up in poverty, you know, and um, I held such a deep um resentment towards her at that time because I was wondering why my mom wasn't just like the other, you know the other kid's mom. You know um being supportive, going to your games, things like that, um, and you know I didn't realize that, you know, the best that she can do was to bring us to America. You know that was her biggest dream for us and she did that. So I knew, right then and there, that I had to pick up the Bhutan and move it forward, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so at that time I went back to when I came back to America, I realized, you know, the big difference between opportunity and where we could have ended up, you know, in poverty, was education, you know. So I took myself to get my, you know, my education, and I have an education. I have a degree in business. An education, I have a degree in business, and that's, you know, what brought me to Washington DC. Because of school. I realized that everybody here has a degree. I would say minimum degree they would have is a law degree, and I'm like, oh my gosh, you have, how do you have, a PhD? And you're like 21.

Speaker 1:

But I just knew that the surrounding and the environment was going to, you know, give me the accountability to continue with my education. And so, to me, you know, I just knew that, like there was something here that was going to, just, you know, take me on a different path. I was totally open for that, um, and then fast forward, um, I ended up, um, getting into um, federal government contracting and and of course I mean this is DC, um, but it didn't. I wouldn't say that that was something that I knew, that I was, it was going to happen, um, because during that time when I was studying and everything like that, that was something that I knew that I was it was going to happen, because during that time, when I was studying and everything like that, I was still, you know, deep in my passion with motivational speaking, hosting women's events and, you know, just just bringing women together to realize their power, you know, and I kept doing that, kept doing it. I stayed with it because I realized that that was something that kept me going. It was like a greater purpose, you know, and I think that that's what people need is a greater purpose within themselves to see the bigger picture and to be open to receiving new things, you know, but anyway, so basically, with the federal government contracting, I got into that during the pandemic.

Speaker 1:

So I, you know, I got a scrum master certification and then, while in the meeting, there were, you know, people that were kind of talking about their business and government contracting and everything like that. And then you know a person there was a project manager, and he was just like, oh wow, I love how you represent yourself, I love, you know, you know just your mind and everything like that. So we decided to have a teaming agreement and, you know, my, my first contract was with the Cohen building and it was pretty awesome because I would say that was a very much of like. That's when I felt like I'm a woman in a male dominated world. But that was pretty cool because I definitely experienced all that.

Speaker 1:

But with government contracting, I mean it's you have to go from one you know one job to another. So I realized, oh my gosh, I have to find something that was you know that it's mine, you know that's my business. And while the government contracting is giving me, you know, money and I would say, lump sums of money, what am I going to do with that? You know, I have to create something for myself. So that's when I started a juice bar.

Speaker 1:

There's a juice bar in Old Town, virginia and basically how that happened was during the pandemic. I was drinking like juices all the time, like I loved celery juice at that time. I don't drink that anymore, but but I guess, like during the pandemic, it was like this guy on there that was like the juice medicine, celery medicine person. He was just like you gotta, like you know, drink your celery because it's going to heal you, it's going to help you connect with yourself. So I did that every day and I went walking every day. Day I spent time in nature every day, you know, just clearing my mind, I mean, during the pandemic. It was a whole transformation. I mean I definitely got you know, closer to you, know myself, truly, you know my divine self definitely had a spiritual awakening at that time. But I was was just like you know what? I want to give this to other people. I want people to experience the juices, you know, because I really do firmly believe in that, you know. And so I was.

Speaker 1:

I went to, you know, my neighborhood juice bar and it was, there was a barista or someone who was selling juices. And I was just like was a barista or someone who was selling juices? And I was just like, oh, wow, you know, she has a friendly smile, you know, and her her energy was warm. And then there was something inside of me that was like ask her if you know she wants to partner with you with juices. And I was just like, no, that's weird, like don't tell me to do that. And I was just like just go. And I was like, okay, I talk to myself a lot, I'm like fighting with myself, but then I'm like, okay, I'm gonna do it. And then so it's literally like me, you know, mustering the courage because random, you know, like we weren't friends, you know.

Speaker 1:

And so I was like, hey, um, so it was kind of like I was hitting on her a little bit and I was just like um, so, like, okay, so I'm thinking about a juice idea, you know. And I was like you know, do you know where I can get, like you know, fruits and vegetable, like how do I even create? I was just trying to like see where she was at, like, was she trying to like help me with like ideas you, you know, or ingredients? So she was like oh, yeah, we'd love to help you and this is where you go for that. And this was. And I was just like I think she's giving me the secret sauce. And I was just like, oh, wow, like maybe we're aligned.

Speaker 1:

But then, you know, and then I told her I was like hey, do you want to like partner in juicing and stuff like that? And she said that she was happy where she was at. And then she was just like you know, they take good care of her. And I was like, all right, that's great. And then I would say, a couple of months later she, you know, wrote me on my DM and she was just like, hey, do you still want to do you know business together? And I was just like yes. And I was like, yes, I planted that seed, you know. And then it's growing and I said she goes I was thinking of like a Korean barbecue and I was just like, no, we have to have juices. This is how it all started. And then so she was like, okay, let's do juices. And then so, basically, with her I guess her story is more so she wanted to, you know, have her own business too. So in a way, the core of my motivation was to, you know, get her to do. What she really wanted to do was to have her own business, you know. And so for me, I was just like, wow, I see, you know, like how she's so motivated to do this. She's tapping to creativity and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

And literally we built this business in, I would say, four months through texting. I'm a big texter, I'm not like a phone person, but we were like, what about this logo? What about this color? Okay, what about this name? We just threw a bunch of names and everything. So, literally, we built everything through texting, Wow. And then, like we launched, I would say, maybe in six months. Yeah, it just happened so quick.

Speaker 1:

But you know, I feel like, because I'm tapped into the frequency and being present and all that stuff, like things happen quickly, like that, you know, and I do believe that time and space is just an illusion. We're present, you know, we're here, and so once we built that, we moved from one location to another location. So now it was kind of like, okay, well, maybe, you know, maybe she wants to kind of like take it all in for herself, and this is something that I mean. Basically, we weren't seeing, you know, we weren't aligned with, I guess, what we wanted to do with the business. So we parted ways, um, and that was great. You know, no, no, no love lost or anything like that.

Speaker 1:

Um, and then I still didn't know exactly what I wanted to do yet. Like, what is my true, like you know passion, where I'm going to show up and be my authentic self, you know where it's matching my spirit, my physicality, my mental, all of that. Like I said to myself, like, okay, you got to get to your sweet spot. Your sweet spot is what you're good at, you know, and what you're passionate of doing, but then what people will pay you for, you know. So, um, I again I was spending a lot of time in nature just collecting my thoughts and just, you know, asking within you know what I should do next.

Speaker 1:

And I still didn't know yet, and I was like, well, maybe like a pizza restaurant that's already up and operating, you know, and then eventually, doing my nature walks, I, you know, really really started like my mind started expanding more and more, and I was always by the water, um, and I saw, you know, boats just kind of cruising around. I was just like, first I was like I want to buy a boat, to sleep on it and live there and just forget about humans, um, and then so I was just like you know what I really want to like manifest, like, you know, being like a captain or something like that. So then I said, you know what, maybe there's a way to do that without like totally getting your own boat and stuff like that. So I did some research and there was a boat club called freedom boat club where you can basically like buy a share and then pay monthly to, you know, have access to these boats, and so so that's what I did, and so basically I tapped into, like boating, the boating world, and it was really cool because I was able to tap into my mental, like my wellness that I love, which is like connected to my heart and my inspiration, but also like it connected me to, like you know, my masculine side, where I'm like speeding and I'm like literally driving this big old boat, you know, and it's just like wow, like that is for me, like like the unity, the harmony of my masculine, my feminine energy, and I was just like I really want, you know, like to tap into it more. That's all I said. It's like I want to tap into the like the masculine you know energy of myself more.

Speaker 1:

But then I said you know what I want to manifest, like a super car. So, you know, I was like I kept, you know, I'm a, I'm a master manifester. Okay, like everything that happens in the dream world, literally it becomes tangible. But it's a lot of work to get there, you know, but anyway, so I ended up getting a beautiful, like super car. It's a 992.

Speaker 1:

And then, so, as soon as I got the car, I mean I was driving, you know, I just felt so free, like I was like it was like equivalent to driving a boat on land, like it was just so smooth, it was fast. I definitely connected with nature in that way. It was a convertible and then so basically, what happened? Um, what happened? It was like oh, and then so what I found was that when I am, you know, super like when you, when you rise into a different, um kind of like level in your life, you don't really get the um congratulation and support and kind of like you know, your friends celebrating you right away because it's new for them. It's almost like shining a mirror to them of like you know your friends celebrating you right away because it's new for them. It's almost like shining a mirror to them, of like you know what they need to work on within themselves.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, I did sense a little bit of like, you know, kind of jealousy or envy, but it's a part of life, you know. And so I said you know what I want to join. You know life, you know, and so I said you know what I want to join, you know, a community that people who understand you know what it is to have a supercar like this is really a big deal for me, you know. And so I joined a supercar club called Fast Lane Drive, which is a elite social club and we connect through, you know, supercars and everything like that. But it's a lot more than that. I mean, I definitely feel more of a human connection there than anything else.

Speaker 1:

So, basically, with the supercar club, it really helped me like really tap into my you know, the masculine side, you know, with speed and everything like that. And so I was like, oh my gosh, like I love this feeling, like I love this feeling, I love this community, I love all of that stuff, I love the boating and I love the supercars. So I said I want people to experience the exact thing I'm experiencing the speed, the acceleration, exact thing I'm experiencing the speed, the acceleration, spending time in nature, like just connecting and challenging yourself, you know, to really, you know just just fully express yourself in this world. Um, and so, you know, I did a lot of research, did a lot more research, and I found that, well, I looked at Instagram, um, dubai offers it too, so, so it's like you know a bunch of like these fast cars on the water and I'm just like, oh my gosh, that looks so cool. Like I said to myself, I mean, celebrities will go there just to like experience it, take pictures with it and all that stuff. And I said, why can't we have it here, you know, and so I mean so fast forward, you know, a lot of, with a lot of research and a lot of, you know, just making sure that everything makes sense. You know, we decided to bring that here and, and I'm so proud of it, because it's definitely a testament of you know, where, where I was, to who I am, and to really truly express myself, you know, to the world.

Speaker 1:

I feel like it's more than just a watercraft on the water. I feel like it's going to help people really tap into, you know, their wellness side, but also like their, their luxury side, their speed, you know the acceleration, like all of that stuff, like it's, and then it's just like I don't know. I just feel like it is not just for women clients, I mean, it's for men clients as well. But the names of the watercraft is a goddess name. So we have six watercraft in the water.

Speaker 1:

They're all you know. They all represent a certain Greek goddess, from Selene to Aphrodite, to Hera and so many powerful goddesses, and it's because each goddesses have different energies that people can tap into, and it's not really about religion or anything like that, it's just, you know, really stepping into that divine feminine power. You know, and that is. You know exactly where I'm at today. Who knows, maybe 10 years, five years from now, I will be in a minivan, but I'm going to embrace. You know where I am today, at this present moment, and I'm really excited about everything that's going on.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that is an incredible story and, like you, literally went all in and I love that. We love, like detail, nitty-gritty, and your journey into finding who you are, what your passion is, and I love the way that you just name them greek names, like it gives you your own personal touch something different around here in the area. Yes, exactly, love that so much and it's so creative. It's a very unique marketing strategy too. On that note, I would like to ask you about how you are planning or going about marketing your new business venture.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so I actually have a team now, which is so great. I have a publicist who is um, you know he, he definitely makes sure I'm going to be on different you know channel news outlets and, um, things like that. I was, I was just doing Fox 5 interview yesterday and then, um, we're going to be doing a lot of different news outlets, um, and also social media marketing is really big too. And also just doing like events and just going out there putting myself out there as the founder and the CEO with the you know the energy of you know the goddesses that's out there. But yeah, I mean, I think that the social media thing is really great for us right now. And press, you know, of course, and just you know networking and just my I would say my community of people as well as you know of their community. It's an exciting water sport. People will love that, you know, to experience that this summer.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you know to experience that this summer. So, yeah, absolutely, yeah. And then, um, my last question for you is if you could leave a message to our listeners, something that's in your heart, something that you really believe in, um, that you would like to spread or share. What would that be?

Speaker 1:

I would say, um, I would say that you can totally. Um. Well, I'm going to start with this quote that says you know, the universe doesn't give you what you want, but it gives you what you are. So, really, just work on yourself. You know, you know, tap into your heart, tap into you, know who you truly are, and there you will find you know your true divine path. And we, each and every one of us, has a true path that we were born to live and we can live our dream life in this world today yeah, thank you so much for coming in and sharing all of that with us thank you for having me.